105. Cassidy McAuliffe: Make it bad. Do it. Make it. I dare you.
Cassidy McAuliffe is a photographer, filmmaker, storyteller, teacher (!), watercolour painter and art/craft-maker, and person who is grieving. She's half of the Woodland Sisters (https://www.woodlandsisters.com/), who make creative projects inspired by Northern Ontario, sisterhood & social/environmental themes.
See her show "Blue" at Pinchman's Cafe in Sudbury Ontario, or online here: https://cassidymcauliffe.com/blue-pinchmans-cafe
We mention:
- The video about Blue: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4qI5gJTls/
- Ida Benedetto: https://uncommonplaces.com/projects/
- The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
- Transformational gatherings (WOW): https://patternsoftransformation.com/
- Video game book, Reality Is Broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world, by Jane McGonigal
- Thinking Rock Community Art: https://www.thinkingrock.ca/
- Women Who Break Trail: https://www.woodlandsisters.com/break-trail-series
- Notes on gift giving: https://uncommonplaces.com/2013/05/notes-on-gift-giving/
- The online Balboa classes: https://onlinebalboa.com/