37. That’s not like any Jerry I’ve ever seen: compassion, comedy, and capturing likeness

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Fiona paints herself as a child and experiences a migraine attack, both of which turn into opportunities to let go of some guilt and practice self-compassion. Jess discovers a unifying theme in her recent paintings and gets freaked out by the newspaper guy. Both agree that Jane Postlethwaite’s comedy workshop was 10/10 --- but they probably won’t do any more 3 AM events.

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We mention:
Jan Postlethwaite and Write Some Comedy: https://www.writesomecomedy.com/
Portrait Artist of the Year - some wholesome art TV : https://youtu.be/6abKz2LlD_s
YNAB: https://www.youneedabudget.com/
Financial book money raymond: https://www.daveramsey.com/
twenny twenny five, i sound like i'm from twenny twenny five i'm twenny five: https://youtu.be/9Vrx5DR4YYI