9. Fiona speed paints with her art crush and Jess normal paints by herself

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Fiona sells the craft supplies that are guilt tripping her and takes a painting workshop with her Instagram art crush. Jess is stood up by creative flow, but still finds unexpected joy in an ordinary medium. A question from The Artist’s Way brings up some big thoughts on sacrifice and selfishness. 

We mention:
Sofi Tukker - Batshit
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Making Comics by Lynda Barry
Oil painter extraordinaire Erika Lee Sears
The Oil Painting workshop!
You Are Not A Rock by Mark Freeman

Thanks for listening to ART HORSE! If the pod is doing somethin for ya, please leave us an iTunes review! It makes us feel all floppy inside.

Website: arthorsepod.com
Did you make art while listening, or feel inspired to do something big?
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